Effects Of A Bilingual Physical Education Program On Fundamental Movement Skills And English Language Skills In Children Aged 7-9 Years Old

  • Ramiro Eduardo Moreno Vaca
Palabras clave: Educación Física, Habilidades motrices, Bilingüismo, Inglés


Bilingual Physical Education is an innovative method to promote motor development and learning of foreign languages in children. Research suggests that the development of motor skills is associated with higher levels of physical activity, and English language proficiency is related to high economic indicators. This research article aims to analyze the effects of a bilingual Physical Education program on fundamental movement skills and English language skills in children aged 7-9 years. The study is of quantitative approach, non-experimental design, longitudinal type and descriptive scope. The intervention was carried out with 12 students of 8.25 ± 0.45 years during 12 sessions of physical education oriented in the English language for 45 minutes. The Physical Education Metrics checklists were used to assess motor skills and the Young Learners Test to assess English language proficiency. The effects indicate improvements greater than 50% in running, jumping, throwing, and catching skills and a 41% increase in English language proficiency in all participants. The bilingual physical education program shows a positive impact on motor skills and language skills and contributes significantly to the area of foreign language learning through human movement.



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Cómo citar
Moreno, R. (2023). Effects Of A Bilingual Physical Education Program On Fundamental Movement Skills And English Language Skills In Children Aged 7-9 Years Old. Revista Electrónica TicALS, 1(9), 1-11. Recuperado a partir de http://als.edu.co/revistaticals/index.php/ticals/article/view/191